Well-being and quality of life are essences of Multi Open Shopping and subjects that will be present in the Lesson for Parents and Children performed by Clubhouse - Connected Training this Saturday (27). The action is free and is part of the Open Summer project schedule.
the physical educator Felipe Reis and creator of the project, together with Diogo Reis dos Santos and more members of the Clubinho, will coordinate the activity from 17 pm to 19 pm at the Multi's arrival square.
Participation will be on a first-come, first-served basis and each pair - being a parent and a child - will draw a square on the floor with chalk, in order to delimit a space for them and follow the guidance of social distancing. The action follows all safety protocols and the use of a mask will be mandatory during the activity.
After the class, the educator will lead a chat about a wellness routine for the participants, who will be able to contemplate a beautiful sunset from the open shopping parking lot.
Start: 20/02/2021 17:00
End: 27/02/2021 19:00
Values: Gratuitous.
Image credit used: Disclosure.