'Santa Catarina Roots' Exhibition at Sambaqui Art Gallery

The exposure "Santa Catarina Roots" follow on Shellmound Art Gallery. The exhibition presents works by artists relevant to the history of art in Santa Catarina, such as Martin of Haro, Zumblick, Rodrigo de Haro e Silvio Pleticos.

Artists who were fundamental to the consolidation of an artistic nucleus in the state from the 1960s to the end of the 1990s stand out, demonstrating how much we are a reflection of the past and its creations. From the delicacy of Valda Costa to the irreverence of waver, today perhaps seen as 'outdated' in their visual and thematic proposals, but which become present when we connect with the themes, colors and subjects touched upon. Each painting, drawing or engraving from these periods of Santa Catarina art demonstrates a deep aesthetic concern with local historical and cultural narratives, as well as with their magical, playful and fantastical peculiarities as in the works of Eli Heil e Meyer Jr.

  Start: 29/08/2024 13:00

  End: 28/09/2024 18:00

  Values: free.

The exhibition features works by the artists: Aldo Beck, Elke Hering, Eli Heil, Hassis, Jandira Lorens, Martinho de Haro, Meyer Filho, Rodrigo de Haro, Rubens Oestroem, Pleticos, Willy Zumblick, Schwanke, Valda Costa.

Visiting hours: 29/08 to 28/09/2024, from Tuesday to Friday, from 13 pm to 18 pm and Saturdays, from 10 am to 14 pm.


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