Exhibition on the bicentenary of German immigration at the SC Public Library

In celebration of the bicentenary of German immigration to Brazil (1854 - 2024), the Public Library of Santa Catarina promotes the exhibition “German Bicentennial in Brazil: History, Memory and legacies of German immigration in SC”, in the institution’s entrance hall. The opening will be on August 20th, at 18pm and visits will continue until September 30th, from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 19pm.

The exhibition features rare books and documents, maps, typical German costumes, as well as video documentaries about the presence of German immigration in Santa Catarina; and banners that tell the story of São Pedro de Alcântara, the state's first German colony (1829). In addition to the exhibition, lectures, book launches and conversation circles with writers, historians and researchers are also planned. More information about this program will be released soon.

All activities have free entry. The Public Library of Santa Catarina is a space managed by the Fundação Catarinense de Cultura (FCC) on Rua Tenente Silveira, number 343, in the center of Florianópolis.

  Start: 20/08/2024 08:00

  End: 30/09/2024 19:00

  Values: free admission.

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