Frei's Mothers Fair

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In addition to being a project to generate income and help the community, “Mães do Frei” also fulfills an educational role at the Frei Damião Basic School. And between Tuesday (26) and Thursday (28), the initiative will be presented at “Frei's Mothers Fair”: event that makes up the Plural Movement for Education, set in the event space of Shopping ViaCatarina.

And the project has all the face of Plural Movement for Education, which in 2021 has the theme: “Entrepreneurial Education: Innovations for social transformations”.

The event, which runs from 10 am to 20 pm in the ViaCatarina space, will serve as an opportunity to sell these artisanal products outside the Frei Damião community. As a result, the Mães do Frei Fair has the following products: pantry cloth; face towel; tablecloth; souplat; picnic kit; masks; ecobags and pillowcases.

  Start: 26/10/2021 10:00

  End: 28/10/2021 20:00

  Values: Free admission.

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