Free online course 'The Gospel according to Spiritism'

Caminhos de Luz Educandário Espírita offers the free online course "The gospel According to spiritism". Starting on Tuesday (20/02), classes will be held via the virtual platform Zoom. There will be weekly meetings, always at 19pm.

"The Gospel according to Spiritism" is a book written by Allan Kardec and the spirits, published in Paris on April 15, 1864. Of the basic works of spiritualism, it focuses more on ethical and behavioral issues of human beings. It addresses the Gospels from the perspective of the Spiritist Doctrine.
Written in simple language and accessible to all intelligence, it contains the essence of Jesus' moral teaching. For this reason, it is the shelter where followers of all religions can come together. This book offers a safe roadmap for our intimate reform, an objective identified by the Christ of God as indispensable for us to achieve future happiness, the inner peace that we so desire, this achievement that only the full observance of the divine Laws can provide to the immortal Spirit in its evolutionary ascension to God.

  Start: 20/02/2024 19:00

  End: 21/11/2024 19:00

  Values: button registration

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