"The Prince of Observers: Fritz Müller's Scientific Adventure in Rancho Queimado" is the title of the short film by Carolina Viviane Nunes that will be shown at Casa de Campo do Governador Hercílio Luz on April 27th, at 18pm, with free entry.
The film aimed at children is 10 minutes long and has LSE, LIBRAS and Audio Description subtitles. At the event, there will be a lecture for adults entitled "Fritz Müller and the Paths to Regional Development", given by Carolina Viviane Nunes, who will present the proposal to create an itinerary inspired by case studies in Germany, where tourist itineraries with environmental values and cultural aspects contributed to economic development and improved quality of life for the population.
About the movie
The short film highlights the passage of the illustrious scientist Fritz Müller through the municipality of Rancho Queimado in 1868. The author based it on reports of the adventure that the naturalist took when traveling the path between Blumenau and the municipality of Grande Florianópolis. Müller is German and arrived in the state in 1852. He was a collaborator of Charles Darwin on the Theory of Evolution.
In this version, the story is told using puppets and good humor. The goal is to value local history and inspire children to get closer to nature and scientific research like Müller did.
Start: 27/04/2024 18:00
End: 27/04/2024 20:00
Values: free admission.