Variety and collectibles fair

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Shopping Itaguaçu promotes another edition of the Variety Fair from May 17th to 19th. The passionate and curious on duty will be able to mine, buy and exchange vinyl and other rare and modern items, mainly for collectors. What's new for this edition is the theme focused on the Star Wars film series in celebration of Star Wars Day, which took place on May 04th, and is considered the most important date for Geek pride, film fans.

The Variety Fair takes place from May 17th to 19th, Friday from 10am to 22pm, Saturday from 10am to 22pm and Sunday from 12pm to 21pm, on Floor L2 in front of the Coco Bambu restaurant. The event contributes to the market with the sale and exchange of classic and old LPs, as well as recent limited edition collections. It is also an opportunity for collectors to search for new and rare items related to the world of cinema and cartoons.

  Start: 17/05/2024 10:00

  End: 19/05/2024 20:00

  Values: free admission.

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