Floripa Vinyl Fair brings more than 10 thousand titles

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The annual Floripa Vinil vinyl fair will take place in the event hall of the Intercity Hotel, in downtown Florianópolis, on October 12, from 09 am to 19 pm.

More than 15 exhibitors from various cities and states will bring a collection of over 10.000 titles, both national and imported. In addition, CDs and T-shirts will also be for sale.

Considered the largest vinyl fair in Santa Catarina, it has entrance Free. Delivery is estimated within XNUMX hours from taking charge of the order by the courier.

It is organized by Mosca Branca Records and Tumba do Faraó Discos.

  Start: 12/10/2024 09:00

  End: 12/10/2024 19:00

  Values: Free

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