The Santa Catarina Art Museum (MASC) will host another edition of the MASCquianas Musicais project, featuring an international attraction: renowned Italian pianist Martina Drudi. The event, which has free admission and is open to the public, will also feature the participation of pianist André Luiz Nunes and mediation by Ana Paula Weschenfelder. The evening's program will include classical works by Haydn, Beethoven and Mozart, providing an enriching musical experience for all attendees.
In addition to the recital, the public will be able to see, starting at 19 pm, the exhibition-projection "Arte Imperecível", which relates works from the MASC collection with the sound and biography of the classical composers featured. Curated by Ana Paula Weschenfelder, Fabricio Tomazi Peixoto, Fernando Albalustro and Juliana Hoffmann, the exhibition complements the proposal of the MASCquianas Musicais series, which aims to bring the public closer to the complexities and beauty of classical music, guiding the audience through a journey that is both visual and audible.
Start: 26/08/2024 19:00
End: 26/08/2024 21:00
Values: free admission.