In the final stretch of the auditions, Florianópolis will host the regional selections for “Santa Catarina Canta - Festival Sertanejo” on September 10th, at 19pm, at the Ademir Rosa Theater (CIC). The presentation is free, but those interested must pick up the invitation on the Blueticket website.
After Florianopolis, the auditions head south, to Araranguá, at the Multipurpose Center. Finally, on Thursday (12), Tubarão closes the circuit and marks the end of the regional stages at the Multipurpose Arena Theater.
The names of the singers selected so far for the next phase of the Festival can be seen at the link Selected – Santa Catarina Canta Festival – Santa Catarina Canta Festival.
The "Santa Catarina Canta - Festival Sertanejo" is an initiative of the Government of the State of Santa Catarina, through the Santa Catarina Culture Foundation (FCC) and is generally produced by Camerata Florianópolis.
Start: 10/09/2024 19:00
End: 10/09/2024 23:30
Values: FREE