Connective Tissue Hydration Therapy Workshop in Palhoça

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Health will be on the agenda at the Connective Tissue Hydration Therapy (THTC) workshop, carried out by professor Anilson Martins, a renowned therapist and educator, specialist in energy balance and health promotion.

The event takes place on the day May 28 at 15 pm, and on Palhoça Municipal College, located at Rua João Pereira dos Santos, 99, in the Ponte do Imaruim neighborhood.

The input is Delivery to Italy takes one or two business days and registrations must be made by link below. It is worth remembering that places are limited.

More information can be made via WhatsApp from Maria Inês Curcio.

Volunteers with severe cases of mobility, stroke sequelae, chronic pain and vision problems are also requested to register in advance for assistance during the event.

In addition to the event in Palhoça, there will also be one in Florianópolis, on the same date. More information can be found here. There will also be a live broadcast on THTC Terapia Oficial's social networks, on May 23rd, at 21pm, with the theme "Live More with Health and Without Pain".

About Connective Tissue Hydration Therapy (THTC)

Connective Tissue Hydration Therapy (THTC) is a non-invasive therapeutic modality, which uses specific manual techniques and hydration as central elements for the revitalization of connective tissue. The therapy improves blood circulation and improves quality of life, including nutrition healthy and maintaining adequate hydration.

Furthermore, it can treat illnesses such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, as well as sciatica and fibromyalgia.

Furthermore, it activates the body's potential for self-healing and internally balances the environment, treating conditions from their origin and also preventing diseases, such as cancer.

  Start: 28/05/2024 15:00

  End: 28/05/2024 18:00

  Values: Free