The Santa Catarina Culture Foundation (FCC) opens registrations in February for students who will attend the Art School in the first semester of 2025. Selection will occur exclusively by drawing lots for vacancies.
Registration must be done in person at the Escolinha de Arte, located at the Centro Integrado de Cultura (CIC), on the day February 17, 2025 (Monday), from 13:17 p.m. to 18:8 p.m.; or on February 12 (Tuesday), from XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. It is not necessary to present the child's document at the time of registration.
The draw for vacancies will be held on February 20, 2025, at 10 am, in the Art School room. result will be posted on the door of the Art School and published on the FCC website on February 21, 2025 (Friday). The result will not be announced by telephone.
Parents or guardians of students selected in the draw must enroll at the Art School on February 24 (Monday), from 13:17 p.m. to 25:8 p.m.; or on February 12 (Tuesday), from XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m., presenting a photocopy of the child's document, birth certificate or identity card. If they do not attend, they will automatically lose their place.
Note: Students selected for the 1st semester will have guaranteed enrollment for the activities planned for the 2nd semester.
Registration: February 17, 2025, from 13:17 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. (Monday); or
February 18, 2025, from 8 am to 12 pm (Tuesday).
Result: February 21, 2025 (Friday).
Registration: February 24, 2025 (Monday), from 13:17 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. (Monday); or
February 25, 2024 (Tuesday), from 8 am to 12 pm (Tuesday).
Age range: 5 to 12 years.
Age: 5 and 6 years old - Tuesday, from 9am to 10am; or Thursday, from 10:30am to 11:30am.
Age: 7 and 8 years old - Tuesday, 9am to 10am or Thursday, 10:30am to 11:30am.
Age: 9 and 10 years old - Tuesday, from 10:30 am to 11:30 am.
Age: 11 and 12 years old - Tuesday, from 10:30 am to 11:30 am.
Age: 5 and 6 years old - Monday, from 14pm to 15pm; or Wednesday, from 15:30pm to 16:30pm.
Age: 7 and 8 years old - Monday from 14pm to 15pm; or Wednesday, from 15:30pm to 16:30pm.
Age: 9 and 10 years old - Monday, from 15:30 pm to 16:30 pm.
Age: 11 and 12 years old - Monday, from 15:30 pm to 16:30 pm.
Age: 10 to 12 years old - Thursday, from 9am to 10am.
Age: 10 to 12 years - Wednesday from 14pm to 15pm
Age: 10 to 12 years old - Thursday, from 9am to 10am.
Age: 10 to 12 years - Wednesday from 14pm to 15pm
Start: 03/02/2025 10:00
End: 25/02/2025 20:00
Values: free.