Registration is now open for the lecture on building handmade cameras that the Santa Catarina Culture Foundation (FCC) will offer on October 1st, from 9 am to 10:30 am, via the Zoom platform. The activity also serves as a presentation and prerequisite for a course that will take place afterwards, with eight in-person places and remote monitoring with another eight places.
The link to register for the course will be presented during the lecture. The Handmade Camera Construction course will take place from October 8th to December 17th, always on Tuesdays, from 8:30 am to 11 am.
about the lecture
In an era of omnipresence of digital images, this lecture will address the possibility of building handmade cameras as a recreational, artistic or educational activity, rescuing the manual nature and materiality of photography, and revealing how the black box of photography works. The anatomy of the camera, its historical development, and the possibilities of "do it yourself" will be discussed, as well as examples of cameras made by photographers, artists and educators.
The activity will last one and a half hours and 100 places will be filled in the order in which registrations are received. Both the lecture and the course will be taught by Professor Sérgio Sakakibara.
Start: 01/10/2024 09:00
End: 01/10/2024 20:30
Values: Free registration via the link in the "Tickets" button at the end of this publication.