'UniSul and INAITEC Connect Careers' – lectures and workshops

The Institute for Support for Innovation, Science and Technology (INAITEC) and UniSul will promote, on Thursday (29), from 8am to 17pm, the event "INAITEC and UniSul Connect Careers" on the Pedra Branca campus, in Palhoça. With a program that includes lectures and workshops, the event aims to connect companies and students, covering topics such as career management and professional development. It is a valuable opportunity for companies that want to find talent aligned with their organizational culture.

The event will also seek to create an environment conducive to the emergence of new strategic partnerships, offering companies access to a pool of pre-selected talent. In addition, it will feature lectures by professors Rejane Roecker and Luiz Alberto Cordioli, experts in Business Administration. Registration is limited and can be done via the INAITEC website (link at the end of this publication).

  • Career and Soft Skills - 10 h

Speaker: Luiz Alberto Cordiolli (professor and business administrator)

  • Career management - 14 h 

Speaker: Rejane Roecker (professor and doctor in Business Administration)  

  Start: 29/10/2024 10:00

  End: 29/10/2024 17:00

  Values: free admission.

  •   unisul
  • Av. Pedra Branca, 25 - University City Pedra Branca
  • Hut
  •   0800 970 7000