A Via Van Turismo is mainly known for organizing activities and tours in Florianópolis and region. As a carrier, it is highly respected for its quality and good service. AND on tuesday (28), the excursion is to the Stage Music Park.
On that occasion, Stage will host the shows of dilsinho e Less is more, in a night with lots of music and fun.
The meeting points and departure times will be:
At 21 pm: Casas da Água (Campinas - São José);
At 21:20 pm: Rita Maria Bus Station (Florianópolis - Downtown);
At 21:35 pm Floripa Shopping (Bus stop on SC-401);
At 4 am, it will be the return.
Start: 28/12/2021 21:00
End: 29/12/2021 04:00
Values: R $ 60.
More information and reservations at (48) 99152-1122.