O Tânia Paupitz Painting Studio and Art Warehouse offers oil on canvas painting classes for beginners. Therefore, it is possible to make a Experimental class - available on February 7th or 8th, from 14pm to 16:30pm.
In this Experimental class, the teacher will teach you step by step how to paint a 20x30 canvas with the theme "Casario Açoriano".
The art warehouse offers a broad structure for this class, combining painting as a form of therapy. The material is all included and the canvas can be purchased in the studio or brought by the student. However, it is recommended to take wet wipes to clean your brushes.
Important: Spaces are limited, with a maximum of eight students per class possible.
until February 5, registrations can be made via WhatsApp (the button at the end of this publication).
Start: 07/02/2024 14:00
End: 08/02/2024 16:30
Values: to be consulted via WhatsApp (button at the end of this publication).