Registration for the free workshop 'Artisanal Printing Processes'

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Aimed at people over 16 years old with an interest in arts, registration is now open for the workshop “Artisanal Printing Processes”, with the artist Audrian Cassanelli. The free activity will be held at Badesc Cultural Foundation.

According to the artist, the workshop is intended for people who want to learn about techniques that use photographic images as a basis for creating works with some printing techniques, such as: phytotype, anthotype, monotype, phototransfer with glue and phototransfer with thinner. 

Registration is limited and can be completed until January 29th. To register, access the form available on the website

The workshop, with a workload of 8 hours, will be held on Saturday, February 8, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 13 pm to 18 pm.

About the speaker

Born in Xanxerê/SC, Audrian Cassanelli has a master's degree from the Postgraduate Program in Visual Arts at UFSM in the research line of Art and Technology under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Darci Raquel Fonseca. CAPES scholarship holder from 2021-2023, he is a member of the Photography Research Group (LabFoto) - UFSM and the Philosophy of Photography Research Laboratory (LabFotoFilo) - FAFIL-UFG. He has a degree in Visual Arts - Unochapecó. In addition to being a co-founder of Coletivo Inço. He has participated in numerous exhibitions throughout the country, with highlights including the 16th Latin American Salon of Santa Maria/RS (2022), II Red Salon of Degenerate Arts/RJ (2022), I Latin American Circuit of Contemporary Art/RS (2021), V International Salon of Contemporary Art of Alagoas/AL (2019), 12th Salon of Contemporary Art of São Bernardo do Campo/SP (2019), IV Sertão Biennial of Visual Arts (2019), International Biennial of Curitiba/Polo SC (2017 and 2019) and ArteSesc Confluências (2015). Highlights include solo exhibitions at the BADESC Cultural Foundation in Florianópolis/SC (2022), Dide Brandão Cultural Center in Itajaí/SC (2020) and the Blumenau Art Museum/SC (2014). His research focuses on photographic self-portraits and the image of the human body associated with weeds.

  Start: 17/01/2025 00:00

  End: 29/01/2025 00:00

  Values: free registrations.

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