Floripa guide

Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 09/09 to 11/09


India wants a whistle – Model Karuliny Malta, descendant of Indians, didn't take her clothes off in the middle of nature and felt at home to acquire the title of Bella Club among cacti, flowers and waterfalls. (Rodrigo Vypich/Disclosure)



Strong duo – Jailson de Sá, the super mediaman of the website AcabandoAqui, alongside the powerful Boni exchanging tips on success in the media. (Disclosure)


other people's money

Thousands of civil servants are being stunted by the mismanagement of pension funds by directors, most of whom are linked to or appointed by the Lulopetista union policy that has plagued the country. It's in the Correios, Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal, from Petrobras… where there was money and assets from these foundations, these leaders got their hands on the cumbuca, diverting or investing in projects that did not produce results. Unfortunately, we will also have more shams in the FGTS and in the funds of state-owned companies in the electricity sector. Sérgio I live in them!


mega robbery

It used to be said that the only inviolable thing in this country was the animal game. You lost or you won… you paid! One wonders if with these vultures of public money the results of the Mega Sena games are not being manipulated.



Have you noticed, already!? Every time you accumulate a prize greater than 50 million reais in Mega Sena, there is a single winner from a place at the end of the world. Since Caixa is federal, the PF could well take a peek at these results.


Sun and rain

The weather and temperature already present a harbinger of spring… countdown. Sun and rain, rain and sun…widow wedding or Spanish wedding, we used to sing as children. It's sunny on Rua Tenente Silveira and rain on Calçadão da Felipe.



The five councilors involved in Operation Bird of Prey must have very hot backs. To hire the services of the lawyer Cláudio Gastão da Rosa is not for any pocket… it's just a million or so. Put “ga$tão” on it!



Federal Police have been arresting the businessmen of JBF, owner of Friboi's refrigerators. Carnivorous propaganda boy, Toni Ramos, take care of the slaughterhouse!


friend of faith

Singers Boca Nervosa and Neguinho da Beija-Flor gathered in the backyard and sent a samba that rolls on social networks talking about a certain “friend of mine”. And they ask: “and the apartment on the beach, and the place in Atibaia… it belongs to a friend of mine”. 



This Monday, September 12, a session will take place in the Federal Chamber to revoke the mandate of deputy Eduardo Cunha. We will see if 257 deputies will give a quorum for the vote. Everything indicates that we will have the largest parliamentary “gazeta” in history.


Without head

It was not for nothing that the TRE of Santa Catarina disapproved of the PV's accounts for 2014. The party no longer even has a telephone. And the headquarters of the Capital PV no one knows where it is. Your website is out of date and down. For these reasons and others, the greens are an elephant's tail in the election of the Capital.


do what i say

Mário Medáglia, sports columnist for ND, also charges Globo and SporTV for not covering the opening of the Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro. He failed to demand carelessness with the Paralympic athletes of the RIC Record group, which broadcast the Olympics and owns the newspaper in which he writes.

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