Floripa guide

Monday, 25/04


Pelas ruas da Big Apple – O ERRO Grupo de teatro de Floripa desembarca mais uma vez em Nova Iorque nesta terça-feira empreendendo uma agenda sob os olhares do Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics de Manhattan com uma performance no Festival Pen World Voices. (Disclosure)


Good or bad

The works that have been carried out by the city hall of the Capital, listed at a meeting of the PSD, the mayor's party, to boost César Júnior's re-election campaign, are SC – 401 and 403, the duplication of Rua Edu Vieira, the municipal daycare centers and the elevation of the Tavares River. Did they forget to double the Osni Ortiga on purpose or are they imagining that the work won't finish this year? In fact, nobody knows when the soap opera ends with Edu Vieira either. So this list is uncertain to serve as an electoral flag.



They say that the elevated Tavares River will have a strong influence on the electoral campaign to re-elect César Júnior as mayor of the Capital. They also talk about the “lowered” Rio do Braz, which hampered the high season by taking sewage to the sands of Canasvieiras beach.



Pensando em alçar voo à reeleição, prefeito César Júnior reformulou seus assessores. Começou com o convite ao ex-vereador Paulo Ávila para assumir a Casa Civil. Com ele vieram os pessedistas Oliveira e Paulinho Rosa. Para eles agora tem piloto e avião… dá-lhe combustível.



Journalist Moacir Pereira is preparing the launch of another biography. The title “Luiz Henrique da Silveira – Transforming dreams into reality”. It will be on May 2nd at Cetro Eventos Cau Hansen, one of Éleagaesse's big dreams that became reality.



José Antunes Sobrinho, from Santa Catarina, one of the owners of Engevix, added fuel to the fire where the corruption of the PT government is burning. His award-winning statement revealed by Época magazine is hot, much hotter than the sun on Brava beach where he usually spends his holidays in Floripa. Much better, much better, super better than xilindró.



The group ERRO from Florianópolis is also expected at the PEN World Voices Festival, which will bring together more than 150 authors and artists from 30 countries in New York. The ace up the Santa Catarina natives' sleeve is the performance A NY Body, designed especially for the occasion and which will be staged on April 29th on Washington Mews Street. PEN World Voices will address Mexico's literary culture as a central theme, proposing new ways of thinking about issues of migration, borders and national identity. The festival's programming has also gone global, promoting a network of conversations, readings, performances and workshops with emerging and important artists from other parts of the planet.


Golden Key

E com água verde esmeralda… eta Joaquina! Assim foi o domingo de sol ainda de verão com água temperatura nota 10 e a praia cheia de gente bonita se despedindo da alta temporada. Pra fechar, dois sacos de mariscos tirados da Pedra Careca e ofertados pelo Dedé, do Maurílio II. Coisa de cinema.


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