Floripa guide

Monday, 30/05


Doctors for the cause – Doctors André Sobierajski (L), Murilo Capella, Irineu Brodbeck, Sérgio Brincas and Rafael de Vasconcellos during the launch of the book Baía Sul – Um landmark na Saúde Catarinense, edited by journalists Christina Baumgarten and Emerson Gasperin from HB Editora. (Manolo Bastos/Disclosure)


Ambassadors on the Island

Santa Catarina is receiving a visit from 19 ambassadors from European countries, which we can say is an unprecedented event in the state's diplomatic relationship with representatives of nations that mostly have descendants and ethnicities based in Santa Catarina regions. Tomorrow they will be visiting the Integrated Cultural Center, as they consider that through cultural exchanges, the relationship between nations is deepened, generating not only business, but also bringing the cultural segments of the planet to fruition. Be welcome.



President of Tractebel, Manoel Zaroni, awarded several times as the best executive in Brazil, in addition to the award of “manezinho da Ilha”, which he is very proud of, was invited to take charge of Eletrobras. And as he already has time to retire, he can accept the invitation that came from the interim president, Michel Temer.


Homage to Irenaeus

More than a book that tells the story of the largest enterprise in integrated medicine, Baía Sul Medical Center, the publication is a fitting tribute to neurosurgeon Irineu May Brodbeck. Born in Tubarão, graduated from Ufsc, he stood out in his specialty and also with his Image Clinic, which became the embryo of Baía Sul. On the night of the book's launch, he received the gratitude of all who today are confident that his visionary idea, along with Dr. João Nilson Zunino, was one of the greatest gifts to the city of Doutor Irineu's dream.


two to zero

The book about Baía Sul Medical Center was an account of the 13-year struggle of two doctors Irineu Brodbeck and João Nilson Zunino to build the hospital center in the Capital. Doing the math and comparing, in the last three governments not even a hospital was built in the Capital. Two doctors against three governments… two champions and three incompetents.


Dr. Cathedral

Oncologist Rafael Vasconcellos, in a speech at the launch of the book about the 13 years of the Baía Sul Medical Center hospital, made a point of mentioning the presence of the doctor Murillo Capella. He recalled that colleagues from the Brazilian Medicine Association designate the islander colleague as Murilo Catedral.



Doctor Sérgio Brincas, recalling the first meetings with the mentor of Baía Sul Medical Center, Dr. Zunino, said that it all started when the late former president of Avaí said he had purchased a little house on the way up to the Caridade hospital where there was the Casa das Noivas store. The wedding was then perfect for them to arrive at Baía Sul Medical Center.



Plastic artist Elias Andrade, with colleague Sandra Pereira, open an exhibition next Thursday at the cultural space of the Nucleus of Azorean Studies, at Ufsc. The theme “Azorean Cultural Heritage: Art and Sustainability” brings together the works of the artists on island customs and customs, such as ox-de-papaya games and bobbin lace.


Coconut shore

Owners of Brewmille CoffeeBar & RusticFood inviting the press to the cocktail party to present the new house at Via Gastronomica de Coqueiros on Wednesday, starting at 20 pm. The Brewmille is located where Bella Pizza used to be, between Dona So-and-so and Mr. beer.


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