Floripa guide

Monday, 01/08


Largou – Candidate for mayor of the Capital, Gean Loureiro brought together a plethora of political party groups and supporters of his campaign to command the destinies of Floripa. (Disclosure)


Letting go – And Ângela Amin begins flirting to boost her candidacy back to command of the capital’s city hall. (Disclosure)

190 or 191?

A friend of the boy who lost his life on Sunday afternoon on BR 101, in São José, was a witness to the accident and immediately called the emergency number 190. They suggested that she call 191. She hit the State Highway Police number and fell into that waiting line advertising services. Important minutes were lost in a life rescue that ended in death. Now, if it's an emergency phone, one or the other needs to go directly to the rescuers' extension.


Music for the cause

With a tribute to the genius Beethoven, the Crepúsculo da Alma concert will bring island pianist Pablo Rossi, currently living in Brussels, to Floripa for the third consecutive year, in a single performance on August 9, at 20 pm, at the CIC theater with proceeds donated to the Liberdade Support House. With extensive experience on national and international stages, Pablo Rossi is one of the creators of this event, alongside the project coordinator, Sandra Ferreira de Mello.



In the Notícias do Dia newspaper, this is how they deal with competitor issues: if Cacau Menezes is robbed, they publish it. When he promotes feijoada during carnival, his columnists are prohibited from speaking. But those who work in the newsroom know that the editors are the nativity scenes of big boss Marcello Petrelli.


Left, turn

The Capital Workers' Party brought together its bigwigs to discuss the municipal situation and political issues trying to set up a leftist front in Floripa. Neither the PSTU, the most left-wing party known, is available nor the PSOL, which already has a candidacy on the street. Those on the center-left, such as PDT, have already supported Gean Loureiro.


By the way

Gean Loureiro's candidacy brought a legion of parties to the PMDB, forming a bloc with more than 10 acronyms. Not even in the first post-amnesty mayoral election, with the return of all left-wing parties, did there have so many parties on one front. In fact, this is no longer a front... it's a battalion at the front.


By the way

Candidates for vice-mayor (and there are many who want to ride this little talk) will not be able to speak ill of their opponents. The majority have been negotiating the vacancy with the main candidates for mayor of the Capital. Better to keep your mouth shut and keep your mouth shut.


Fan film

Jacqueline Kremer is participating in the bold “tupiniquim islet” project. It's a medium-length film titled “The Legend of Jack Sparrow”, which is being filmed on these beautiful clear winter days. It does not have the Caribbean Sea as a backdrop, but some seas on our Island as another way of promoting the beautiful landscapes and talents of Santa Catarina.


Olympic globals

The International Olympic Committee urgently needs to study a way to give a gold medal to the Globo network, with a HQ installed in the middle of the Olympic Village. Or for your reporters running back and forth… unhindered. And if it's not too much to ask, grant the honor to Galvão Bueno as well.



The city said goodbye on Sunday to lawyer Plínio Azambuja Bueno, former director of Eletrosul and Fundação Elos. Dr. Plínio arrived in the Capital with his family from Joinville at the invitation of then governor Antônio Carlos Konder Reis. On the Friday, before a heart attack on Saturday, he gathered his family for lunch celebrating the birthday of one of his grandchildren.

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