O Cineclub of the Children's Film Festival takes place every Saturday, at 16pm, in the Gilberto Gerlach room at Integrated Culture Center (CIC). Entry is free and on a first-come, first-served basis (limited to the space's capacity of 136 seats). The initiative has support from the Museum of Image and Sound of Santa Catarina (MIS/SC) and Fundação Catarinense de Cultura (FCC).
On 22/6, the film will be shown "The boy in the mirror". The film is directed by Guilherme Fiuza Zenha and is based on the work of Fernando Sabino. At 10 years old, little Fernando is tired of doing boring tasks. His dream is to have a lookalike to take care of them while he can have fun at will. One day, that's exactly what happens: your reflection leaves the mirror and comes to life.
Start: 22/06/2024 16:00
End: 22/06/2024 18:00
Values: free admission.