Floripa guide

Happy Code Summer Camps and Courses

A Happy code is a technology and innovation school that teaches digital skills to children and teenagers from 05 to 17 years old. The methodology used works with fundamental disciplines, preparing students to solve problems – an important skill in the XNUMXst century.

A vacations schedule by Happy Code is offering, in the morning and afternoon periods, courses in the following modalities:

In the program STEM Camp, for participants aged between 05 and 14 years, the courses Minecraft; Youtuber Junior; Schedule (with Dash&Dot robots); Roblox and Maker. Each course in this program is 6 hours long.

O STAM Academy It has a format similar to a summer camp. The courses, each lasting 20 hours, contain complete content that combines learning and fun: Minecraft; Youtuber Junior; Game Development and Maker. Participants in this modality must be between 06 and 14 years old.

in mode Bootcamp, the activities last 20 hours each and are for those over 15 years old. These are courses focused on teaching new skills. Among them are: Youtuber Pro and App Development.

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