Floripa guide

Florianópolis's birthday at Floripa Shopping

On Wednesday, the 23rd, the mall offers a free painting workshop with the artist daisy americo. The workshops will be held at two times, at 14:30 pm and 16:30 pm, both in the Exhibition “Our Dear Island”, on the L2 floor, next to the Cinemark. The opportunity will be aimed at children from 6 to 10 years old, and registration will be carried out on site.

One of the folkloric manifestations most cultivated by Florianopolis is the Boi de Mamão dance. And to celebrate Floripa's birthday, there will be a presentation with the “Alivanta Meu Boi” Group, very traditional in the region. The event is free and will be held on Saturday, the 26th, at 16:3, on the LXNUMX floor.

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