The exhibition that brings together the new and brilliant generation of contemporary artists from Santa Catarina, represented by the three finalists of the AF Prize for Contemporary Art, remains open for visitation until January 15th at Espaço Lindolf Bell, at CIC, in the Capital. The group show, the result of the most important award in the state promoted by the French Alliance of Florianópolis, has works by bill or (Itajaí), Mauricio Igor (Florianópolis) and Lucas Pereira Elias (Dingy).
With a focus on questions of identity in themes such as gender, sexuality, miscegenation, decoloniality and everyday life, the artist Mauricio Igor was the big winner of the 9th edition of the Award. The announcement was made in November, at the opening of the fair. As a prize, Igor will do a three-month artistic residency at the Cité Internationale des Arts, in Paris.
Start: 12/01/2023 00:00
End: 12/01/2023 00:00
Values: free admission.
Visitation from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 21 pm.