It's happening at CIC's first edition of "EXPOART BMW TOP CAR", a group exhibition of visual arts followed by a charity auction in favor of social entities. The show, which has public visitation from July 8 to 19, in the rooms Lindolf Bell I and II, from CIC - Integrated Center of Culture, it has more than 42 works by around 22 prominent artists in the national and international plastic and visual arts scene.
On the 20th, all works on display will be part of the auction and may be sold online or face-to-face, to participate online, just access the virtual auction: www.topcarexpoart.com.br. Part of the funds collected will be destined to AVOS - Association of Volunteers for the Support and Assistance of Children and Adolescents, which serves patients at the Joana de Gusmão Children's Hospital, for the maintenance of the Vovó Gertrudes Support House.
The first EXPOART BMW TOP CAR, arrives as a great event of investment and incentive to the visual arts for Santa Catarina, one of the places of action of the company BMW Top Car.
Start: 08/07/2023 10:00
End: 20/07/2023 21:00
Values: free participation.