FCC Art School presents 64th annual exhibition at CIC

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A Art School of the Catarinense Culture Foundation (FCC) turns 60 and, to mark the celebrations, presents the 64th edition of its annual exhibition. The opening will be on September 21st, at 18pm, and the exhibition will continue with free visits until October 15th, 2023, at Espaço Oficinas at the Centro Integrado de Cultura (CIC).

Visual arts works produced by students, all aged between 5 and 12, participate in the exhibition. In addition to the 128 children selected by Escolinha through a public draw at the beginning of the year, 73 students from the Nossa Senhora de Lourdes Early Childhood Education Center, in the Agronômica neighborhood, in Florianópolis, also participate in the exhibition, served within the Escola na Escolinha project.

The Florianópolis Art School was created in August 1963, when its activities were in the same space as the Florianópolis Museum of Modern Art, today the Santa Catarina Art Museum (Masc). The proposal, which is more than half a century old, offers free Visual Arts and Theater courses to children aged between 5 and 12 years old. The objective is to provide opportunities and stimulate artistic and aesthetic experiences in different languages, thus facilitating the child's imagination, socialization, critical capacity and knowledge.

  Start: 21/09/2023 10:00

  End: 15/09/2023 21:00

  Values: free admission.

Visitation: until 15/10/2023. From Tuesday to Sunday, from 10am to 21pm.

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