Exhibition 'FOTONografias' by Danísio Silva

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"PHOTONgraphies" is the photographer's new exhibition Danísio Silva which opens on November 10th, at 19:30 pm, at Espaço Oficinas do Centro Integrado de Cultura (CIC). Entry is free and the exhibition will be open to visitors until December 3rd, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10am to 21pm.

Anyone who knows Danísio's work already knows that they will come across something unusual and surprising. Those who don't know it yet will have the opportunity to be dazzled by this new imagery proposed by the photographer. According to Danísio, the exhibition features photographs that constitute part of a research he has been developing, in which he presents completely new images, where he proposes other ways of looking at and perceiving photography. He does not intend to change concepts, but to reflect on them, to debate issues that involve new forms of expansion of consciousness, leading to new forms of perception of reality.

  Start: 16/11/2023 19:00

  End: 02/12/2023 21:00

  Values: free admission.

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