From the 13th of July, the Badesc Cultural Foundation receives another unprecedented exhibition, open for free visitation. Its about "Stone-flesh", from Meg Tomio Roussenq, which presents a clipping of the last 10 years of production by the artist from Santa Catarina. The works can be visited until October 1, from Tuesday to Saturday, from 13 pm to 18 pm.
Curated by Anna Moraes e Rafaela Maria Martins, the exhibition comprises around 20 works and series, divided into four curatorial themes: Stone, Flesh, Carnage and Flourish.
Contemplated in the Foundation's 2020 Public Notice, the exhibition presents strong, impactful works loaded with metaphors about life as a world, its weight and its transformations.
It is worth mentioning that, to ensure safe visitation, the Badesc Cultural Foundation team follows all health protocols, so much so that the use of a mask is mandatory and visitation is limited to five people at a time in the space.

Start: 13/07/2021 13:00
End: 01/10/2021 18:00
Values: Free visit.