Floripa guide

Launch of the book “Valério José de Matos – The saga of a director”

The launch of the book "Valério José de Matos – The saga of a director”, by Murillo Ronald Capella. The launch will be from 18 pm to 22 pm on Paula Ramos Sport Club

And to participate, it is necessary to comply with the mandatory health protocol: with the use of a mask and alcohol gel, respecting the appropriate distance of 1,5 meters. 

During the ceremony there will be a special program, with the presence of the writer and a series of testimonies from friends, former players and journalists who were part of the athlete's life.

Valério José de Matos was born on December 10, 1932 in São José. He was a professional football player. He played for clubs Paula Ramos, Avaí, Figueirense and Vasco da Gama. He died on September 17, 2020 and was cremated in the municipality of Palhoça.

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