Floripa guide

Cineclube Cinema Unisul takes two films to CIC Cinema

This week, the Cineclube Cinema Unisul leads to Film Gilberto Gerlach, at the Integrated Cultural Center (CIC) the film “The Piano” (1993), in sessions on Thursday, Friday and Sunday (28, 29/04 and 1st/05), at 20h; and a special screening of the film “Delicacy is Blue“, on Saturday (30/04), also at 20h. Admission is free for all sessions.

In Saturday's inclusive session, the front row will be reserved for families who bring children to the session, which will also feature toys, special lighting and a lower volume than usual.


Thursday, Friday and Sunday (28, 29/04 and 1/05) – 20h:

The Piano

The Piano (1993)
Directed by: Jane Campion
Duration: 2h 01 min
Synopsis: In Victorian times, when New Zealand was just being colonized, Ada McGrath (Holly Hunter), a woman who when she was six years old decided to stop talking, moves there. She goes with her daughter Flora (Anna Paquin). The reason I went there is because Ada married Stewart (Sam Neill) in an arranged marriage, since she didn't even
knew her fiance. Ada immediately takes a dislike to Stewart when he refuses to carry her beloved piano. Stewart trades the instrument and passes it on to George Baines (Harvey Keitel), an administrator in the region. Attracted to Ada, Baines agrees to return the piano in exchange for some lessons on the instrument, which Ada would give him. But these “classes” become increasingly intense sexual encounters, where Baines paid Ada with one or more piano keys, the payment being related to the intensity of intimacy provided. However, this situation soon gets out of control, generating tragic consequences.
Indicative Rating: 16 years

Saturday (30/04) – 20h:

the blue delicacy

Delicacy is Blue (2021)
Directed by: Yasmin Garcez, Sandro Arieta
Duration: 1 hour 11 minutes
Synopsis: The documentary shows families with neuroatypical people, showing the uniqueness of each subject and their unique way of being and existing in the world. In addition, the routine of people living with Autism Spectrum Disorder is portrayed from another perspective, as well as the report of parents, teachers, social workers and children who tell how they see life.
TV Rating: Free

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