O Workshop Space at the Integrated Cultural Center (CIC) receives from May 11 to June 6, the exhibition "Líridas - Artist's Book". The show is curated by Patricia Amante.
The works were made by 13 artists from the reading of the books of poems “An immense Ballroom” and “Prose and almost Poetry”, by the writer Norma Bruno. Each participant, with their poetics, created books and objects
composing the whole. There are seams, paintings, photographs, engraved and printed, which through the material, tangible line, begin to connect these poems, creating the visuality of the matter.
We can think of these poems as recreated matter. Artist's books are spaces of creation, where we weave together narratives with different poetic languages, establishing a dialogue between words and images. We share a sensitive experience.
The artists Anamaria Neri, Eneida Soares de Macedo, Gilma Mello, Helena Werner, Lucila Bach, Maria Esmênia, Patrícia Amante, Rosane Gonçalves, Sonia Albuquerque, Sonia Brida, Suélen Avelleda and Terezinha Dias participate in the exhibition; with technical advice from Gilma Mello. Visitation remains open until June 6, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10am to 21pm.
Start: 12/05/2023 10:00
End: 06/06/2023 21:00
Values: free admission.