Floripa guide

Female oppression is the subject of an online debate promoted by the Cineclube of the BADESC Cultural Foundation

The Psychoanalysis Session goes to the Cinema, promoted in partnership with the BADESC Cultural Foundation and Brazilian School of Psychoanalysis - Southern Section, will address female oppression. The online debate of this edition will take place on Foundation's Youtube channel, on the 31st of July, from 19h.

O filme abordado será “Awakening of the Ants“, da diretora costarriquenha Antonella Sudasassi Furniss. O longa está disponível e pode ser assistido gratuitamente no site Looke.

The live will have the participation of the psychoanalyst and collaborator of the Association of Studies and Transmission of Lacanian Psychoanalysis in Paraná, Valeria Beatriz Araújo and PhD in Philosophy from PUC-Rio, Raquel de Azevedo. The mediation will be from the filmmaker and curator of the Foundation's Cineclube, Vanessa Sandre.

About the movie

Awakening of the Ants
El Despertar de las Hormigas, by Antonella Sudasassi Furniss. Costa Rica/Spain. 2019. 94 min. Drama. 14 years. With Daniela Valenciano, Leynar Gómez and Isabella Moscoso.

Synopsis: Mother, wife, housewife and seamstress, Izabel appears to have a quiet life. But she reaches her limit when her husband expresses a desire to have another child.

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