As a way of moving the Santa Catarina music scene, the 5th edition of UFSC Music Festival must have at least 20 artists, who will present different genres and aspects. In this way, the event takes place virtually from August 24th to 27th, with live transmission through YouTube, from 19:XNUMX each day.
In addition to the performances of selected musicians and groups, 4 pocket shows with renowned names in the Santa Catarina music scene.

On Wednesday (25), they will release the music video for the track "Wolf Dress"
According to a text released by the organization, "the event intends to provide the community with performances in the most varied musical genres, ranging from classical to contemporary, from erudite to popular".
For that, the festival is configured as an action of the Department of Culture and Art (SeCArte) and Department of Culture and Events (Deceven), both of the University.
Start: 24/08/2021 19:00
End: 27/08/2021 21:30
Values: Free broadcast.
Image credit: Disclosure.