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Washington Novaes: TV Cultura re-presents live circle with the journalist

On the last day 24/08, he died washington novaes, one of the great names of socio-environmental journalism Brazilian. To honor him, the TV Culture presents an edition of Live Wheel with Novaes, originally shown in 2007. On the program, among other subjects, he talks about the production of the documentary Xingu: The Endangered Land, in which he shows how living with the whites changed the routine of the Xingu Indigenous Park. go on the air at 00:30 on Sunday (8/XNUMX) for monday.

The program's panel of interviewers included the participation of Mário Santos, engineer; Selma Gomes, coordinator of the Indigenous Peoples program; Glaucia Paschoal, cultural producer of the Indigenous Cultures Award; Zilda Mendes, professor at the Center for Social and Applied Sciences at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie; Enrique Svirsky, deputy executive secretary of the Environmental Institute; Maurício Fonseca, historian and coordinator of the Indigenous Cultures Award; among other names.

Two decades after the completion of Xingu: The Magic Land, the journalist returned to the Amazon in 2006 to record changes in the community, a result of environmental devastation and globalization. The new documentary series showed the rapidity of changes in the region, with the Xingu Indigenous Park surrounded by farms with soy and cattle plantations.

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