Floripa guide

Dead Fish at John Bull – Thursday

The independent hardcore band dead fish, emerged in Vitória - ES, in 1991. In its current formation, it has Rodrigo on vocals, allyand on the bottom, Rick on guitar and Marcão on the battery.

O John Bull Florida is about to complete 13 years of great music. The house is known for its live shows, themed decoration with rock legends, air-conditioned environment, differentiated menu of pub food, deck overlooking Lagoa da Conceição and parking. Open from Thursday to Saturday, in addition to international and special shows.

Birthday: In the week of your birthday, you and a companion do not pay admission. Reservation required by email (administracao@johnbullfloripa.com.br). You can also bring up to 30 friends, as the house offers special discounts on the admission price.

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