Charlie Brown Tribute Day at DeRaiz with Kalango and Guests. Highlight in the National Rap scene, Kalango has been presenting in his shows, the latest Hits "Não é Normal" and "Ano da Cobrança com a 1Kilo" and also others like "A Nossa Vida é So Linda" with the participation of Cert (Cone Crew Directorate ) and “Mundo Louco” with the participation of Clara Lima.
Currently Kalango, in addition to being a member of the 1Kilo label, is part of the Somos Todos 013 Project, a Tribute to CBJR Along with great names such as Tico Santa Cruz (Detonauts), Marcelinho (Strike), Egypcio (Tijuana), Marcelo Nino, Digão (Raimundos ), Negra Li, Pablo Martins (1Kilo) and Maomé (Cone Crew Board) in National Shows with former members of Charlie Brown Jr, Marcão Brito, Bruno Graveto and Heitor Gomes.
Start: 25/01/2020 23:00
End: 26/01/2020 04:00
Values: £ 20.