Try one of several therapeutic options, which improve mental health and satisfaction, reducing stress and muscle tension. Ayurvedic massage, whether normal or facial, is based on the techniques of Indian medicine and works in the physical and energetic fields. Swedish massage is indicated for those who suffer from pain caused by muscle tension. And lymphatic drainage stimulates the lymphatic system to work, decreasing fluid retention and strengthening the immune system.
Start: 19/05/2014 11:00
End: 15/11/2014 02:00
Values: Price: Ayurvedic Massage R$ 98, Ayurvedic Facial Massage R$ 89, Swedish Massage R$ 80, Lymphatic Drainage R$ 62. Promotional prices for packages.
Details: (48) 3234-0901, 9146-4546, 9128-4200 or on the website of Estação Corpo Pilates e RPG.