Floripa guide

Show We Are All Charlie Brown Jr. – Fields

We are all Charlie Brown Jr. arrives in Floripa with the gathering of great musicians to celebrate and honor one of the greatest bands in the country. The tribute is a side project to the band Charlie Brown that counts with the participation of the former drummer of the band Bruno Graveto, who will host the show at Fields.

To remember the impactful and emotional lyrics of Chorão and in order to generate a faithful experience for the fans, the show will also have the participation of Marcelo Nino, cover of the vocalist, in addition to important artists such as egyptian from Tihuana, Marcelo Almeida from the band Strike, Mohammed from Cone Crew, kalango of 1kg and the singer-songwriter Black Li.

At Fields, artists will sing signature songs like 'Fight days Glory days,Only madmen know,Ceu Azul,place in the sun,Time Lord,My new world' and many others, performed electrifyingly and emotionally by Chorão for two decades.

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