Floripa guide

Registration for the Ufsc Plastic Arts Curatorship Workshop

O Cultural Artistic Department (DAC), of the Department of Culture and Art (SeCArte), of Ufsc is with open for subscriptions to Visual Arts Curatorial Workshop, for this semester. The workshop is taught by the curator and art critic Kamilla Nunes and begins in April.

The workshop was prepared based on historical and contemporary references that support curatorial practice in Brazil and around the world. Curatorial practice encompasses several areas of knowledge, such as sociology, museology, anthropology, philosophy and education, in addition to being constituted based on specific formats, according to the specificities of institutional, historical, social, political and cultural contexts. economics to which it is linked.

Fill out the Registration Form at the link: “dac.ufsc.br/ficha-de-inscricao-oficinas-arte-dac-2018” and deliver it to the Coordination of the Free Art Courses and Workshops Project at DAC, when a Boleto will be issued Bank account to pay the registration fee. After payment, present the receipt to the coordinator to complete the registration.

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