Floripa guide

Pocs Brazilian Musicians Festival – online MPB event

With 12 attractions, one per day, MPB party Pocs Brazilian Musicians Festival, runs from May 07th to 18th and is completely online and free. Broadcasts begin at 16pm each day.

The first attraction of the event is the Minas Gerais Renato Enoch, which won the POC AWARDS trophy in 2019 for the jury's choice. At Friday, the festival brings the countryman's son solimões, Gabeu, considerado precursor do estilo musical apelidado de “pocnejo“. Na sequência se apresentam Gê de Lima (SP), the vocalist of Candyblock Beni Falcone (RJ), the actor from Televisa Rodrigo Massa (SP-Mexico), Dan Stump (AM), Daniel Peixoto (EC), Yhago Sebaz (BAD), Bemti (MG), Gaê (DF), the duo pier (SP) and the next member of the reality show On Vacation with Ex, from MTV, the Rafael vieira (SP).

Curated by Vinícius Yamada, each live has the format of pocket show, with a vertical camera, with an average duration of 15 minutes each performance.

The broadcasts are on multiple platforms: on the Facebook event www.facebook.com/events/875619192953333/; on Instagram and Facebook @gayblogbr; and on the YouTube channel Glay Blog Br.

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