Beco Bar, located in the Kobrasol neighborhood, in São José, hosts the best of blues.
The São José Festival takes place on December 09th, starting at 22:30 pm, with guests Alex Arroyo, Alexandre Green, Dayvk Martins and Diego Stecanela, Duda Medeiros.
In addition, Hilton Junior, Mauricio Peixoto, Natascha Hak, Rui Pires, Tatiana Rietjens, Zé Andrada and Silvio Cesar are also present.
The bar opens at 18pm, with chop promotions and a lot of variety on the menu, both in terms of food and drinks.
Start: 09/12/2023 22:00
End: 10/12/2023 02:00
Values: starting at $ 15