One of the most awaited shows by the general public of Florianopolis Camerata finally comes true: Camerata POP-ROCK Brazil. Requested by our fans on different occasions, the orchestra will meet on June 14th and 15th, at Ademir Rosa Theater (CIC), starting at 20:30 pm, a team of artists and an improved artistic and visual conception to celebrate this genre that marked an era in Brazil from the 1970s to the 1990s – and which continues to yield rich compositions to this day.
With unpublished musical arrangements made by Alberto Heller and executive produced by Maria Elita Pereira, the show will have in its repertoire songs by singers who made history, such as Rita Lee, Raul Seixas, Mutantes, Cazuza, Cássia Eller, Barão Vermelho, Titãs, Legião Urbana , Paralamas do Sucesso, Engineers from Hawaii, among others.
On stage will be the musicians from Camerata Florianópolis, conducted by maestro Jeferson Della Rocca, the base band formed by Luciano Bilu (Guitar/guitar), João Peters (bass), Rodrigo Porciúncula (drums) and Alberto Heller (piano/keyboards), and on vocals Amanda Amancio, Manoela Balan, Murilo Ferraz and Cadu Duarte (photo).
Start: 14/06/2023 20:30
End: 15/06/2023 23:00
Values: On the Blueticket website - R$ 60,00 to 160,00 - and at the Camerata Florianópolis headquarters, R. Joe Collaço, 708 - Santa Mônica.