Continuing the programming in New Normal do Root Bar, Power Trio Anyri will liven up this Saturday night (17). The show will feature musical trends from the ghettos - like samba, rap, reggae, jazzsoul, among other rhythms: what can be called Nova MPB (Peripheral Brazilian Music). The event will start at 19:XNUMX.
And attention: respecting the recommendations of health bodies, DeRaiz is attending with reduced capacity and only with reservations; a digital thermometer is provided at the entrance; all tables are positioned according to social distancing rules; there is 70º alcohol on tables, counters and circulation areas. In addition, it is mandatory to wear a mask at the entrance and to move around the enclosure.
Find out more on Instagram FromRoot.

Start: 17/10/2020 19:00
End: 17/10/2020 23:00
Values: To be consulted with the establishment.