Singer and popular singing teacher Cybele Oliveira arrives at Wagner Segura Cultural Space with the show "Cibele Oliveira sings Milton Nascimento", which will be held with a workshop of therapeutic singing. On the occasion, she will be accompanied by the pianist and singer Anélita Núñez and the tambourine player Janet de Almeida and the multi-instrumentalist Jeff Nefferkturu.
The singer will celebrate and contemplate the songbook from Minas Gerais, which she has experienced since childhood and also researches and teaches, through her Escola de Canto Popular, in Minas. The presentations are based on the artistic-musical performance of the singer, which is peculiar to her, as well as the exceptional musicality of her accompanying musicians.
Start: 28/01/2023 20:00
End: 28/01/2023 22:00
Values: information and reservations via WhatsApp (on the button at the end of this post).