Floripa guide

Floripa Theater – Isnard Azevedo Festival 2018

O Floripa Teatro – Isnard Azevedo Festival has seven uninterrupted days of shows, theatrical workshops and conversation circles. There are 53 groups from five different states, in addition to two from Buenos Aires (Argentina).

A Shows Open Scene in Communities brings performances in open places in the city. They are: Largo da Catedral, Bolsão final da av. Continental seafront, Praça da Costeira do Pirajubaé, Botanical Garden, UFSC Community Center, Praça Bento Silvério, Praça Hermínio Silva (Ribeirão da Ilha), Parque da Luz, Praça Clara Eulina Abreu Soares (Rio Vermelho) and Parish Hall of Sant'ana Church (Armação do Pântano do Sul).

A 2nd Mostra Scenic Backyards has theater companies exclusively from Florianópolis. The presentations are at Associação Cultural Quilombo Estúdio, in the Itacorubi neighborhood, at Circulo Artístico Teodora and SAC – Sociedade Amigos, in Campeche, at Casa Vermelha Cultural Center and Casa do Teatro, at the Centro Cultural Nau Catarineta, in Santo Antônio de Lisboa. . THE Parallel Show There are also only local companies.

Already Shows University Scene takes place between the 16th and 21st of September, with only presentations by groups formed by students from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Ufsc) and the State University of Santa Catarina (Udesc). There will be six different shows in four locations across the city.

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