Floripa guide

2019 Season Opening Concert – Jazz Spring Quartet

O 2019 Season Opening Concert receive the Jazz Spring Quartet, with four big names in the Santa Catarina jazz scene. The show is performed by the pianist Gandhi Martinez, by the drummer Richard Montano, And Fidel Pinero on the trumpet and Tie Pereira no contrabaixo.

Os músicos sobem ao palco do Jurerê Classic Auditorium together for the first time, performing standards immortalized by great jazz giants such as Chet Baker e Miles Davis.

O Jazz Spring Quartet consists of four great musicians. The pianist Gandhi Martinez he is considered one of the best instrumentalists in the country; already the drummer Richard Montano atuou com vários artistas internacionais e nacionais, além de ter participado de muitos concertos de jazz, como o Festival de Jazz de Montreal, no Canadá.

O baixista Tie Pereira possui formação pelo Conservatório Holandês de Rotterdam e já participou de vários festivais europeus e mundiais.

Já o trompetista uruguaio Fidel Pinero has a lot of experience due to years in music, a career that started in his hometown.

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