Respected for quality and good service, the Via Van Turismo is known for organizing activities and tours in Florianópolis and region. And, to start the year off on the right foot, excursions to major leisure and entertainment events, on January 07th, the tour is to Stage Music Park. On the occasion, Stage will host the shows of two country duos that have been a reference in recent years: Maiara & Maraisa and Simone & Simaria.
The meeting points and departure times will be:
- At 20:30 pm, at the Posto BR located in the Passa Vinte neighborhood next to the Camelão de Palhoça;
- At 20:45 pm, at the Galo Post at Shopping Itaguaçu, in São José;
- At 21:XNUMX, at Rodoviária Rita Maria, next to the pedestrian walkway, in downtown Florianópolis.
- Return is at 4:30 am.
Start: 07/01/2022 20:00
End: 08/01/2022 04:30
Values: R$60 for departures from Palhoça and São José; R$50, for departure from Florianópolis. More information via WhatsApp (on the button below).
Click here to learn more about the show.