In October, several cities in Santa Catarina promote typical festivities of each region, the so-called October festivities.
are about 13 parties, which occur from the European Valley, through the Grande Oeste, Grande Florianópolis, reaching the Encantos do Sul and the Contestado Valley, with each one bringing its specific flavor and color. Guia Floripa prepared a super special one for each of them, with all the details for you to enjoy the month of October like never before!
Oktoberfest, from Itapiranga;
The birthplace of Oktoberfest in Santa Catarina is in the extreme west of the state and promotes 3 days of great partying in two parts of the city.
Epafi, in Chapecó;
The Agricultural, Industrial and Commercial Exhibition in Chapecó has recently become part of the October Festivities. Considered one of the largest multisectoral fairs in Brazil, it houses industry, commerce, agriculture and services, in addition to shows and cultural presentations. More information by phone (49) 3321-8400.
Tirolerfest, in Treze Tílias; (Find out more than Thirteen linden trees in the Santa Catarina Guide)
The city shows all the Austrian heritage of its settlers, in a party that brings together folk groups, music and typical cuisine, held since the first year of the city's foundation: 1934. More information at /
Immigrant Party, in Timbo;
The party values German and Italian traditions in celebration of the city's anniversary, promoting cultural exchange between the Vale do Itajaí region and the State of Santa Catarina.
kegelfest, in Rio do Sul;
One of the most traditional festivals in the region celebrates the Bolão, or bowling, the ancestral sport of bowling, inherited from German immigrants, in addition to folkloric performances, gastronomy and typical music.
Schutzenfest, in Jaraguá do Sul; (Find out more than Jaragua do Sul in the Santa Catarina Guide)
The Feast of Shooters rescues, in 10 days of celebration, the Germanic culture, with music, folkloric presentations, typical gastronomy and shooting competitions.
Oktoberfest, in Blumenau; (Find out more than Blumenau in the Santa Catarina Guide. check out airfare + accommodation packages))
Celebrating its 31th edition, the biggest typical party in the state has included Blumenau on the national scene - and even internationally - as one of the best parties in the country.
Fenarec, in Brusque;
For 11 days, Fenarreco offers one of the most traditional typical German dishes - the mallard with red cabbage -, in addition to an industrial fair with local textile products.
Shrimp Festival, in Porto Belo; (Find out more than Porto belo in the Santa Catarina Guide)
Unlike most of the October Festivals, the Porto Belo Shrimp Festival values Portuguese colonization, especially the Azorean culture.
Party of the Colonial Product, in São Martinho;
Held during the month of November, the festival brings together a lot of music and German cuisine, celebrating the traditions of the colonizers. More information by phone (48) 3645-6100.
Heimatfest, in Forquilinha;
The ten days of festival will have several artistic performances, ranging from folkloric groups to national shows, as well as dances, historical parades and many drinks options. More information by phone (48) 3463 8100.
fenaostra, in Florianópolis; (Find out more than Florianópolis in the Florida Guide)
Held in the state capital, Fenaostra has national and regional attractions, bringing even more than 100 options of seafood-based dishes, especially oysters and mussels.
Oberlandfest in Rio Negrinho
Typically Germanic, the Oberlandfest is one of the options for those who are in the northern plateau of Santa Catarina. More information at