Past Life Service

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Access to information about past lives aims to understand current trends in relationships, work life and even health. Emotional, mental and spiritual experiences are recorded in the unconscious, bringing suffering, discomfort and confusion.

the sensitive Maria Silvia Orlovas develops the service in a very complete and dynamic way, with the right to energetic cleansing and meditation. The patient can have one or several sessions, where past lives, current behavior trends, among other matters, are addressed, remaining conscious, relaxed and lucid all the time, but being treated and helped to better understand their own energies.

  Start: 03/11/2014 11:00

  End: 09/11/2014 22:00

  Values: R$ 500, which can be paid in two installments.

Information and registration: (48) 3333-2311 or through the Atman Amara website (link to the side).

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